The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) received a donation from John Ehret in memory of Anthony J. DiGiovanni member of Giles-Biondi Post 63 Bound Brook on June 13, 2020 in support of our nation’s Servicemembers, Disabled Veterans and their family members. NAAV send our deepest sympathy to the beloved family and friends of Anthony J. DiGiovanni.
On June 16, 2020, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) was informed regarding the passing on June 3, 2020 of CDR John A. Baumgarten, U.S. Navy (Ret), the Commander of Military Order of the World Wars Region (IV). Please advise all addressed as to John’s funeral or memorial arrangements so Companions may render proper courtesies and remembrances to CDR Baumgarten and his family. For more information, contact John’s niece, Lisa Lucas at cell 863-398-9525 or email: regarding memorial arrangements.
The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) received a donation from Marc Heft and Lisa & Roy Custer in loving memory and honor of Stan Goldberg who passed away the week of April 12-18, 2020 from the Coronavirus (COVID 19). The Paramus New Jersey Veteran’s Home took good care of him while he lived there. He lived a long life. Memories of love and friendship are treasures to carry with you always. NAAV extends its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Veteran Stan Goldberg of New Jersey.
Please help the family honor him by considering donating in Stan Goldberg’s name to the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. visit click on DONATE TODAY!! Thank you.
AFRH Washington Veteran Memorial
On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, the Armed Forces Retirement Home – Washington chief executive staff, chaplains, residents, volunteers and guests attended the “Dedication of our Fallen Comrades, Men and Women of Service” of eight residents who represented the United States Army and Air Force and passed in December 2019 and January 2020 at the Armed Forces Retirement Home-Washington at 3700 North Capital Street, NW, Washington, DC. The Memorial services included the following Veterans:
December Memorials 2019
Ralph Hamilton, United States Air Force
Abraham Krosnick, United States Army
January Memorials 2020
Anthony Contino, United States Air Force
Walter Cronin, Unites States Army
Douglas L. Kay, United States Army
William Kinard, United States Air Force
James R. Martin, United States Air Force
Margaret Spicer, United States Air Force
“It seems fitting to celebrate their lives as well as to mourn their passing. For, they each had their own special impact on lives at the AFRH-W. These eight Veterans’ had a combined years of life experience of 722, with an average age of 90 years and three months. While some of us may know little, in most cases, of the details of their lives, we all do know from our own living that there may have been times of exceptional joy and moments perhaps of deep despair; times of learning and efforts put fort for forgetting; periods of overflowing fulfillment and episodes of devastating emptiness; being surrounded by the warmth and coziness of affection and experiencing of all these real or imagined emotions and sensations can make up a life. It is this that we celebrate today. We celebrate LIFE!”
The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) Constance A. Burns, president, chief executive officer and veterans’ service officer has been a volunteer at the AFRH-Washington since the last 1990’s to present in support of those who served in the United States Armed Forces. For the families of the deceased we pray that the LORD our God with you during your time of sorrow providing words of comfort from His Holy Word. Each day will be easier than the one before. Keep looking ahead depending on the LORD.
On Wednesday, October 23, 2019, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) Constance A. Burns, Founding President, Chief Executive Officer, and Veterans’ Service Officer, attended the “Dedication to Our Fallen Comrades, Men and Women of Service” at the Armed Forces Retirement Home-Washington at 3700 North Capital Street, NW, Washington, D.C. AFRH-W residents, chaplains, administrative staff, and guests were present at the Memorial Recognition Services of six residents who represented the United States Army, Navy, and Air Force and passed in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August and
September 2019 at the AFRH-W. The Memorial included the following Veterans:
January 2019
Charles D. Lindblom, United States Navy
Owen C. Stevenson, United States Army
February 2019
Louis DiCroce, United States Navy
John B. Green, United States Air Force
Philip Uhlmann, United States Army
Roy Webb, United States Air Force
March 2019
James Edson, United States Air Force
Francis Lewis, United States Army
Fred Zabczuk, United States Army
April 2019
Farris Dozier, United States Army
Michael W. Martinez, United States Navy
James Riordan, United States Air Force
George Setzer, United States Air Force
May 2019
Mary J. Johnson, United States Army
Henry R. Smith, United States Army
Erwin R. Springer, United States Air Force
June 2019
Robert H. Bjornethum, United States Air Force
Phyllis Bradford, United States Marine Corps
Donald H. freer, United States Air Force
Victor J. Mosesso, United States Navy
July 2019
Donald M. Ober, Sr., United States Air Force
Paul A. Wells, United States Marine Corps
August 2019
Ramon A. Clarke, United States Army
Robert C. Cooper, United States Navy
Roger W. Davison, United States Air Force
Donald M. Pence, United States Air Force
William J. Travers, United States Air Force
September 2019
Eugene R. Downs, United States Navy
Richard J. Fitch, United States Marine Corps
Carlton N. Fraylick, United States Navy
Ralph W. Wineland, United States Army
While we may know little, in most cases, of the details of their lives, we do know from our own lives that there may have been time of exceeding joy and moments perhaps of deep despair and depression; times of learning and efforts put forth for forgetting; periods of overflowing fulfillment and episodes of devastating emptiness; being surrounded by the warmth and coziness of affection and experiencing the distress of estrangement. The full complement of all these real or imagined emotions and sensations can make up a life. It is their life on earth that we celebrate today!
Fortitude by Margaret Peterson
A strength that comes from deep within
That only God can give …
Without it people could give up
If times were hard to live.
I’ve needed this and came to see
I needed the Giver more…
More than just for church on Sundays,
He had to be my core!
We go through every day together,
Happy for chances to give…
Ever drawing closer to God
All the days that I live.
Message of Inspiration – Poem of Life – Author Unknown
Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what’s to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay …
Our destination is a place,
Far greater that we know.
For some the journey’s slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We’ll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the LORD.
Message of Inspiration – The Train of Life – Author Unknown
Life is like a journey on a train
At birth, we boarded the train of life and met our parents,
and we believed that they would always travel by our side.
However, at some point in time in life and at some station,
our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on life’s journey.
As time goes by, other significant people will board the train:
siblings, other children, friends, and perhaps the love of your life.
Many who have joined our train of life will step down and leave a permanent
Others on our train will go on unnoticed that we will not realize that they even
vacated their seats! This train ride will be mixture of joy, sorrow, fantasy,
expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells.
But know that a successful journey consists of having a good relationship with
all passengers, requiring that we give the best of ourselves. Because the mystery
that prevails is that we do not know at which station we ourselves will have to step
off the train. So, we must try to travel along the track of life in the best possible
way – loving, forgiving, giving, and sharing.
When the time comes for us to step off the train and leave our seat empty – we hope
to leave behind beautiful memories for those who continue to travel on the train of
Let’s remember to thank our Creator for giving us life to participate in this journey.
The program was presented by the AFRH chaplains with closing remarks by Susan Bryhan, Administrator, AFRH-Washington.
Maurice “Moe” Roma Aube passed away at his home in Spring Hill, Florida on Monday, June 11, 2018 at the age of 85. Born in Hartford, Connecticut to Roma Aube and Leona (Fontain) Aube, Moe Graduated from Hartford Technical School in 1952. He served in the United States Navy from 1952-1955 and relocated to Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1957 while working at Avco Lycoming where he met his beloved wife of 57 years, Joan Rickhey. He was a devoted father and friend. He and his wife, Joan, raised three children and enjoyed family and friends in Bridgeport on Charcol Pond. Please help the family honor him by considering donating in Moe’s name to the National Association of American Veterans, Inc.
visit to DONATE TODAY! Thank you.
On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, the Armed Forces Retirement Home – Washington at 3700 North Capital Street, NW, Washington, D.C. presented Memorial Services in dedication to their fallen comrades – men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The Presentation of Colors was presented by Disabled American Veterans Color Guard. AFRH-W resident, staff and guests attended the Memorial Recognition Services of sex residents who represented the United States Army, Air Force, and Navy and who passed in April 2018 at the AFRH-W. Those attending and staff expressed gratitude for the six Veterans for their services and dedication to our nation and to others residing at the Armed Forces Retirement Home – Washington. The six Veterans honored served many years ago on active duty for the U.S. Armed Forces. The Memorial included the following Veterans:
Frances Conley, United States Army
Harry C. Elliot, Jr., United States Army
Joseph L. Groulx, United States Air Force, United States Army
Richard G. Huether, United States Air Force
Robert K. Lavender, United States Air Force
Alma Wilson, United States Navy
The program was presented by the AFRH chaplains with closing remarks by Michael Bayles, Acting Administrator at AFRH-Washington.
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer, Constance A. Burns, attended the “Dedication to Our Fallen Comrades, Men and Women of Service” at the Armed Forces Retirement Home–Washington at 3700 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, D.C. AFRH-W residents, staff, and guests were present at the Memorial Recognition Services of seven residents who represented the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard and who passed in October or November 2017 at the AFRH-W. Those attending and staff expressed gratitude for the seven Veterans for their services and dedication to our nation and to others residing at the Armed Forces Retirement Home–Washington. The seven Veterans honored served many years ago on active duty for the U.S. Armed Forces. The average age of the Veterans who passed was a little more than 89 years. The Memorial included the following Veterans:
George W. Brewer, Jr., United States Air Force
John A. Worsham, United States Coast Guard
Thomas W. Bartleman, United States Navy
Jeanne L. Beasley, United States Army
James H. Brown, United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Navy
Frank Nash, United States Army
Edward H. Woessner, United States Air Force
The program was presented by the AFRH chaplains with the closing remarks by Ronald Kartz, Chief, Resident Services at AFRH-Washington.
Gwendolyn D. Hendly

She received the following decorations, medals, and badges: Army Commendation Medal (2nd Oak Leaf Cluster); Army Good Conduct Medal (5th Award); National Defense Service Medal; NCO Professional Development Ribbon (3); Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon (2); and the M-16 Sharpshooter Badge.
She will be greatly missed by those who knew and loved her. Take comfort—those who love God will be reunited in eternity.
Bruce Johnson

As a youth, he was an Eagle Scout and a graduate of Asbury Park High School. Bruce served in World War II as a torpedo bomber stationed on the USS Ticonderoga. He saw action during the Battle of the Philippines, for which he was highly decorated.
After the war, Bruce was captain of the nationally prominent University of Miami tennis team. He was later a three-time New Jersey State men’s tennis champion.
After a 35-year business career, Bruce retired as EVP and COO of Triangle Industries, Holmdel, New Jersey. In his retirement, he participated on the senior men’s tennis circuit. He victoriously represented the United States in the Gordon Trophy and Britannia Cup competitions and played well into his eighties. In addition, he wrote an autobiography, A Good Life Revisited, and This Above All.
He leaves his wife of 63 years, Joan Sieminiski (“Joanz”), sister Paula Handler, son Stephen, daughter-in-law Alison, daughter Cynthia Bruckmann, son-in-law William, granddaughter Stephanie, grandsons Will (Melissa), Paul (Heather), and Scott, great-grandson Luke, and great-granddaughter Isabella. He was predeceased by an infant daughter, Mary Judith.
A memorial service was held at Palm Beach Memorial. Bruce will be buried in South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Worth, Florida. In lieu of flowers, the family requests a donation to the National Association of American Veterans,
NAAV’s Veteran Memorial is designed to recognize and remember the legacy of those who served in the United States Armed Forces and are now deceased into the comfort and care of God the Holy Spirit. It is also a time to remember loved ones of the deceased who feel the reality of mortal life, and when the presence of the Lord brings comfort, consolation, and hope.
In memory of Johnnie H. Holt, Captain, U.S. Air Force (Retired) of Richmond, Virginia who passed away January 2015.
NAAV gives its condolence to his beloved daughter Ms. Bonnie Holt-Griffith of Piscataway, NJ
Sorrow is a fleeting emotion, but love is infinite.
In memory of James H. Nichols, Jr., of Richmond, Virginia who died on January 14, 2015. He leaves to mourn his cousin Bill Lawrence of Hoover, Alabama and two daughters Lynn Lloyd of Henrico, Virginia and Lisa Nichols of Arlington, Virginia; and dear friends CJ and Mary Wilcox of The Villages Florida. Take comfort-those who love will be reunited in eternity.
You are in NAAV’s thoughts every step of the way.
In memory of Jerry Dean Mullins, U.S. Navy, 1955-1959 of Prosper, Texas who passed in January 2015. NAAV sends its
deepest sympathy to Lynda Rexrode a friend from his Class of 1958 and his son Ronny Mullins of Prosper, Texas and family.
When the Lord calls our loved ones home, he leaves a gift of memories in exchange. NAAV is here if you want to talk.
In lieu of flowers, Memorial Contributions may be made to the National Association of American Veterans
Donate Online or by mail:
P.O. Box
6865, Washington DC, 20020-0565