We are working with the Dept of Veteran Affairs, Office of Small &
Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), Women Veteran Small Business
Initiatives, on a course for Women Veterans who want to enter the
government contracting industry and successfully obtain government
contracts. The course begins on August 16th and runs every Monday for
14 weeks from 10:00 – 1:00. Attached is the flyer and a link to the
landing/registration page.
I’m looking for some women who are successful in this field would be
willing to volunteer for a session or two to participate and provide
their insights to these burgeoning small business owners. Do you have
anyone in your network who you could suggest?
Submitted by Heidi Sheppard, Project Director
DC Women’s Business Center.
240.426.0241 (mobile)
Email: hsheppard@dcwbc.org
Address: 740 15th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20005
Operated by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition