During July, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. has continued to extend gifts to our American Veterans, those who gave so much for this country. One of our Veteran families living in Saint Louis, Missouri, received a motorized law tractor for their home use. Prior to that, Ret. Army Sergeant Melvin Wright and his wife, Edith, paid out of pocket for a lawn service to cut their yard . . . But not anymore! Please read on and share in the joy of their testimony.
July 25, 2016: NAAV, Constance Burns, and a Beautiful Red Lawn Tractor
I am writing this letter on behalf of my husband, retired SSG Melvin Wright, who served 23 years in the Army.

Melvin has many health problems related to his time in the service, but the most debilitating condition is his rheumatoid arthritis. We have learned that it is an aggressive disease. He has days that he merely sits with his head in his hands—that is, until recently. One month ago, a truck pulled up in front of our house and unloaded a beautiful red Kubota lawn tractor. That is the day that lifted Melvin out of his chair and into the yard!After a long life of public service, both in the Army and as a civilian, Melvin no longer found any joy in typical day-to-day activities like cutting the grass. Our small push mower was impossible for him to manage, and we were forced to hire someone to cut the grass. Melvin struggled with the idea that he had to give up his yard work—it was a defining moment that left him feeling hopeless. He began to feel that he had no purpose. But that was before Constance Burns and NAAV graciously delivered a beautiful red Kubota lawn tractor that changed everything! My optimistic Melvin is back and enjoying life every day. He can’t wait for the grass to grow!!!
Shortly before the Fourth of July, Melvin learned that he was going to be receiving his Kubota. As you can imagine, we had the most glorious yard on the block for our patriotic picnic! How perfect was that for this beautiful red lawn tractor to be delivered before one of Melvin’s favorite days of the year? It changed everything for him! Yes—a simple lawn tractor changed everything!
Our budget could not support the purchase of a lawn tractor. We are struggling just to pay for our grass-cutting service. We both want to express our sincere appreciation to Constance Burns and the National Association of American Veterans. Melvin is so happy, and I got a beautiful yard as a bonus!
Edith Wright
Saint Louis, Missouri

*NAAV thanks and appreciates all of our supporters, who made this donation possible. NAAV received an in-kind donation from Art’s Lawn Mower Shop of Florissant, Missouri, in support of disabled combat Veteran Melvin Wright.