5 Vital Tips for Caring for a Veteran Loved One

After military service, veterans face various health challenges, leading to a poor quality of life. With all their sacrifices, especially for the country, they must live out their remaining years with proper care and support. If you’re the primary caregiver of an aging veteran loved one, here are five essential ways you can help them […]

Help support VA’s largest research program

I’m reaching out on behalf of the Million Veteran Program (MVP) to invite National Association of American Veterans to join our Community Network and help spread the word about MVP’s voluntary research program. At MVP, our goal is to improve the future of health care for all Veterans, across age, race, gender, service branch, and […]

The Role of Peer Support in Combating Veteran Depression

Depression is a significant barrier that impedes veterans from fully reintegrating into civilian life after their service. Effective support systems are crucial in assisting veterans in overcoming these challenges and leading fulfilling lives. The role of peer support in combatting veteran depression is vital, as it connects individuals with peers who have faced similar struggles, […]

NAAV Helping Veterans Most in Need in the DC Metro Area

The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV), President and CEO, Constance A. Burns (in mid-March 2024) chose the Woodlands at Reid Temple Senior Apartments in Glenn Dale, Maryland to locate veterans, caregivers, and their family members most in need of daily household supplies, toiletries, and food. The search took several weeks to locate veterans […]

The Connection Between Military Service, Trauma, and Substance Use

During your military service, you might face really tough situations that are hard on your body and mind. Sometimes, these hard moments can even cause trauma. Trauma happens when something that happened leaves you feeling shaken. You might try to handle these tough emotions by turning to alcohol or drugs. However, this is not a […]

Coping Strategies for Veterans Facing Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain is a significant issue for many veterans. It can stem from injuries sustained during service, the physical demands of military life, or other health conditions. Living with this kind of pain is challenging, but there are ways to manage and cope with it effectively. This post aims to provide practical strategies […]

MEDIA RELEASE: NDVA Wins VA Pillars of Excellence Award for Veterans Mission of Mercy Dental Clinic

Veterans Mission of Mercy Dental Clinic FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FEBRUARY 21, 2024 Contact: Holden Armstrong, NDVA Communications Director 402-219-1704, holden.armstrong@nebraska.gov NDVA Wins VA Pillars of Excellence Award for Veterans Mission of Mercy Dental Clinic WASHINGTON (FEB 21, 2024) — On Wednesday, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough presented the Nebraska Department of […]

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