Following up from requests on this month’s leg/reg call, I wanted to remind NCRC members that the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) [1] has been extended and is still accepting loan applications. The new deadline to apply for a PPP loan is August 8, 2020. And, you can find eligible PPP lenders [2] by zip code […]
What’s New
White House, VA launch REACH — a call to action to engage the nation in preventing suicide
White House, VA launch REACH — a call to action to engage the nation in preventing suicide_NewsRelease_07JULY2020
Suicide Prevention
Overview Suicide affects all Americans. The White House and VA joined efforts in launching the REACH on July 7, 2020, a national public health campaign aimed at empowering all Americans to support suicide prevention. Veterans are committing suicide at a higher rate than the general population. Thoughts of suicide are painful. Those who have previously […]
Substance Abuse Recovery Program
The Substance Abuse Recovery Program (SARP) is an intensive outpatient program for eligible Veterans suffering from the disease of alcoholism, heroin, cocaine, or other drug additions and substance abuse. SARP is a 4 Track, 10 Week Program Orientation (one time) Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. The 4 Track include Track 1: Admission […]
Consumer Action – COVID-19 Educational Project COVID-19 EDUCATIONAL PROJECT The coronavirus pandemic has shone a harsh light on the financial vulnerability of consumers from all walks of life. Consumer Action’s COVID-19 Educational Project offers fact sheets, webinars and resource lists to help improve the ongoing financial health of families and individuals during the pandemic. Check back frequently for new […]
Legal Clinic For Women Veterans
Contact for assistance: or (202) 733-3326
Women Veterans Health Care
Women Veterans Health Care The Veterans Affairs Facility is committed to meeting the needs of women Veterans and delivers quality health care to each woman with privacy, dignity, and sensitivity to her needs as she deserves. Your local VA facility has a full-time Women Veterans Program Manager to assist you in getting access in […]
File a Claim for Your Veteran Disability Benefits
Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) is still accepting claims for disability compensation despite the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak nationwide. On May 28, the VBA resumed in-person compensation and pension (C&P) exams in some locations and plan to make them available in more when possible. If an in-person exam is not available yet, you can still submit private […]
Spiritual Moments…. What Happens When We Die? We Cry George Floyd
…Another senseless, cruel, unnecessary DEATh of a BLACk Man1 …Why is that allowed to happen Why are our boys allowed to die~ …Is it because you think no one cAres …Is it because you thinK no oNe will cRy …What if iT was Your sOn, brotHer, or fAther~ You’D scrEAm perseCute theM…Hang ‘Em hIgh! …So […]
Resource Links
Free Mental Health Resources For Veterans Mortgage Help for Veterans You’ve Earned It: Housing Grants Can Help Disabled Veterans The Best Health and Fitness Military Discounts for Gym Lovers Dental Care Assistance for Veterans Helping Veterans Pay for Assisted Living, Home Care and Long Term Care SBA Loans For […]