10 Best Home Renovation Grants For Veterans (Resource Suggestion)

Here is the link: https://skilledroofers.com/grants/home-renovation-grants-for-veterans/ The article has been featured on more than 70+ websites and received a great deal of positive feedback from users. Also, this article has been created in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which allows those with impairments to easily access the content through means that work for them.

Congresswoman Norton to Host Service Academy Night on September 30th

Congresswoman Norton’s office would like to invite D.C. students interested in attending a Service Academy and their parents to participate in a Virtual Service Academy Night. The pertinent details are below: Who: D.C. High School JROTC cadets, interested students, their parents & teachers/instructors What: A Virtual Service Academy Night Where: Email Norton.Academy@mail.house.gov to receive the […]

Addiction Rehabilitation Resources

“Treatment and Recovery” page https://www.addictiongroup.org/treatment/ to be placed as another valuable resource on your Resources page at https://www.naavets.org/alcoholism-in-veterans-online-resource/. Treatment is the first step to Recovery. It’s why we built this page – to give people suffering a resource to take their life back. For more information, contact Jessica Cooper, Community Outreach, 10 S Dearborn St […]


The purpose of this correspondence is to make you aware that September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. A time to raise awareness on this stigmatized, and often taboo subject. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month not only brings attention to this public health crisis but seeks to shift public perception, and use this month to spread hope […]

Veteran Scholarship Resource

Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was introduced, the number of active-duty personnel and veterans using military benefits to pay for education has increased significantly. While this program offers financial relief to military families, there are many additional scholarships available that often go unnoticed. Our goal at OnlineMBA.com is to encourage veteran students in Washington to […]

Happy 101st Birthday to Major Nancy Leftenant-Colon, (Ret) U.S. Army/Air Force Nurse Corps

The First African American Nurse – Nancy Leftenant-Colon, Major (Retired) was the first African American nurse to serve in the reserve or active-duty Army/Air Nurse Corps, the precursor of the Air Force. *https://www.becauseofthemwecan.com/ She joined the Army Reserve in 1945, unable to get into the regular Army Nurse Corps because she was African American. The […]

Comfort and Prayers for Bereaved Families of Thirteen U.S. Military Service Members Killed in Kabul, Afghanistan

There are times when God’s good and perfect will may not include a long life on earth for our beloved children and parents. For suddenly they have left the earth and gone to be with our LORD God and heavenly family. Because of this reality, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) wants to […]

A Wider Circle Progam and Services

https://awidercircle.org/how-we-help/                                                 Links: —— [1] http://www.awidercircle.org/agencypartnerreferral/ [2] http://www.awidercircle.org [3] https://awccovid19.weebly.com/ [4] https://www.cfp-dc.org/nonprofits/1270/A-Wider-Circle/ [5] http://www.give.org/charity-reviews/national/human-services/a-wider-circle-in-bethesda-md-17954 [6] https://www.guidestar.org/profile/52-2345144

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