Steps to a Balanced Life

The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) offers through its partners and/or advisors Spiritual Wellness Free Conference Calls every week. More information, dates and times are provided below for your review and follow-up. New Beginning Ministries (NBM) offers Thursday night Bible Study that meets weekly on Thursday night from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. […]


The article below titled “NO ORDINARY GOD” was given to NAAV, Inc. for posting on April 26, 2020 for all military and civilian caregivers and family members facing the challenges of COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic outbreak worldwide. It is hoped that this message presented by Francheska T. Atchison, a NAAV volunteer freelance writer will encourage your […]

Steps to a Balanced Life

Greetings! NAAV appreciate your interest in our suggestive steps to a balanced life. Since becoming the founding president in 2005, I‘ve had the wonderful opportunity of interacting with service men and women, military caregivers, veterans and their families across this nation. Time and time again, service members, caregivers of veterans, veterans and their family members […]

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