NAAV Attends VHA/VSO Bi-Monthly Meeting

NAAV Attends VHA/VSO Bi-Monthly Meeting   The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) president, chief executive officer and veterans’ service officer Constance A. Burns attends the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Bi-Monthly VSO Meeting held on Thursday, March 23, 2017 at the VA Central Office located at 810 Vermont Avenue, […]

Winterhaven Homeless Stand Down – January 28, 2017

2017 23rd Annual VAMC Winterhaven Homeless Stand Down and 13th Annual NAAV Community Partner Participation On January 28, 2017, NAAV participated in its thirteenth year of helping homeless and at-risk Veterans of the greater DC metropolitan area at the DC VA Medical Center’s (VAMC) Winterhaven Stand Down for Homeless Veterans, along with collaborative partners representing agencies, […]

NAAV Attends Iraq and Afghanistan Women Veterans Briefing

On Tuesday, November 15, 2016, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. President and CEO Constance A. Burns attended a breakfast briefing sponsored by the Women’s Policy, Inc., Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in cooperation with Representatives Kristi, Noem, and Doris Matsui, Co-Chairs; Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues […]

Being There for Veterans—NAAV Attends DC VA Medical Center Ladies’ Night

NAAV provides assistance with claims and benefits at the DC VA Medical Center Benefits Office every second and third Monday in each month for Veterans who served during World War I, World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam Era, Gulf War, OIF, and OEF. Peacetime service includes all periods of active duty other than wartime service. […]

Special Gift for Veterans—NAAV Teams Up Again with BraunAbility and Mobility Works

On Friday, October 28, 2016, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc., President and CEO Constance A. Burns, along with Te’tro Martin, Certified Mobility Consultant for MobilityWorks in Beltville, Maryland, presented a Disabled OIF Veteran, Deborah A. Hunter, with a 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan Companion Van Plus XT Conversion, equipped with a Braun XT power […]

A Plentiful Harvest: of Hope

On October 28–29, 2016, the National Conference Center in Leesburg, Virginia, hosted its first—possibly first annual—Harvest of Hope Conference sponsored by WAVA (105.1). The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. CEO and President, Constance Burns, attended the two-day session along with NAAV supporters Retired Navy Veteran Charlie Johnson and his wife, Lola Johnson, and NAAV […]

2016 NAAV Claim Process Training

The National Association American Veterans, Inc. completed a successful 2016 Veterans’ Benefits and Claims Process Training on Friday, October 7, 2016, at its corporate office in Washington, DC. Attendees included NAAV Board of Directors, advisers, and supporters interested in helping Veterans, servicemen and servicewomen, and their dependents with their claims and benefits. The presenter was […]

2016 Welcome Home to Veterans “A Salute to Service” at the Maryland Renaissance Festival

On Saturday, September 10, 2016, the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) along with sponsors, community partners and volunteers, participated in the DC VA Medical Center’s Welcome Home Veterans “A Salute to Service” at the 40th Anniversary of the Maryland Renaissance Festival held in Annapolis, Maryland. Since 2006 the NAAV has provided support for […]

NAAV BBQ for Warrior Family Coordination Cell at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland

On Thursday, August 18, 2016, advisers, sponsors, and supporters of the National Association of American Veterans, Inc., along with sponsors and collaborative partnering agencies and volunteers, participated in NAAV’s BBQ for Wounded Warriors and their family members residing in Building 62 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), Warrior Family Coordination Center in […]

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