NAAV Helping Veterans Most in Need

The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) was established in 2005 and incorporated in 2006 to provide programs and services for those who served and are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces worldwide most in need of emergency assistance with transportation, shelter, rent, mortgage and utilities bills to name a few. Here is a […]

Happy 104th Birthday to Major Nancy Leftenant-Colon, U.S. Army/Air Force Nurse Corps (Ret)

The First African American Nurse – Nancy Leftenant-Colon, Major (Retired) was the first African American nurse to served in the reserve or active-duty Army/Air Nurse Corps, the precursor of the Air Force. She joined the Army Reserves in 1945, unable to get into the regular Army Nurse Corps because she was an African American. The […]

Help support VA’s largest research program

I’m reaching out on behalf of the Million Veteran Program (MVP) to invite National Association of American Veterans to join our Community Network and help spread the word about MVP’s voluntary research program. At MVP, our goal is to improve the future of health care for all Veterans, across age, race, gender, service branch, and […]

NAAV Helping Veterans Most in Need in the DC Metro Area

The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV), President and CEO, Constance A. Burns (in mid-March 2024) chose the Woodlands at Reid Temple Senior Apartments in Glenn Dale, Maryland to locate veterans, caregivers, and their family members most in need of daily household supplies, toiletries, and food. The search took several weeks to locate veterans […]

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