Dear Community Partner, On behalf of Mental Health America of Augusta, the Augusta Expo, and Valley Community Services Board, we want to extend an invitation for you and your organization to participate in our upcoming Veteran’s Feed and Connect event. The event will take place on April 20th, 2024, at Augusta Expo Center from 10 […]
Author: admin_imw
I refuse to be discouraged, to be sad or to cry. I refuse to be downhearted and here is the reason why. I have a God who is mighty, who is sovereign and supreme. I have a God who loves me, and I am on His team. He is all wise and powerful, Jesus is […]
Bible Verses on Grief and Comfort
The Lord God tells us that we will have trouble, but that we can take heart because He has overcome the world! (John 16:33). Through reading the Bible scripture verses, you can be comforted by knowing that God is faithful and is always interceding for you in heaven. Nothing in life can prepare us for […]
God is Faithful to His Promises
Faithful … Is He Who Has Promised Are you passing through a testing? Is your pillow wet with tears? Do you wonder what the reason is? Why it seems God never hears? Why it is you have no answer To your oft-repeated plea, Why the heaven still is leaden As you wait on bended knee? […]
Disabled Veteran Creates Transformative Card Game for Children to Achieve Digital Balance
Today, we live in a digital world where children are thrust into using digital. According to an online article written by Winda Benedetti, “the NPD Group, 91% of kids in the U.S. between the ages of 2 and 17 are gamers.” Digital games can become a problem when a child likes screens more than people. […]
Twelve Favorite Bible Prayers
The Bible says, “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10) In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus taught […]
Reading God’s Word in the Bible
The Bible says, “All Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). The Scripture verses presented in the Bible are God inspired. We are human beings made in God’s image to praise, honor, and obey Him. Psalm 119:137-138 states: “You are righteous, LORD, and Your laws are right. The statues You have laid down are righteous; they […]
2024 Combined Federal Campaign Theme: You Can Be the Face of Change
CFC #85065 Visit www.GIVECFC.ORG to Donate.
4th Quarter Testimonials (Oct. Nov. Dec. 2023)
Weathering: Don’t be S.A.D.~ I will repeat this phrase: The end of one thing is the beginning of another. Welcome to the National Association of American Veteran’s (NAAV) Inc., change over from fall to the beginning of winter in our 4th Quarter Testimonial. Last posting for the year 2023. A time to reflect: Although […]
NAAV, Inc. and ZoChey, LLC Christmas Gifts to Veteran Families
Zornia Pritchett, a U.S. Army Veteran and owner of ZoChey LLC, a local small Veteran owned business in Bowie, Maryland is a new partner of the National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) in support of those who served and are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces worldwide. The mission of ZoChey LLC is […]