Memorial Service of Aaron Nathaniel Spencer

Thursday, June 6, 2024 The Celebrating of Life of Aaron Nathaniel Spencer who passed on May 22, 2024, was held on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the Reynolds Funeral Home Memorial Chapel, Decatur, Alabama. Pastor Gay Jones, officiating. Aaron Nathaniel Spencer was born on October 5, 1941, in Lewiston, Alabama. He attended […]

Help support VA’s largest research program

I’m reaching out on behalf of the Million Veteran Program (MVP) to invite National Association of American Veterans to join our Community Network and help spread the word about MVP’s voluntary research program. At MVP, our goal is to improve the future of health care for all Veterans, across age, race, gender, service branch, and […]

NAAV Legal Assistance Resources and Referrals for June 2024

Peter J. Meadows, PA, Veterans Appeals Law, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Office: 1-800-868-2813, mobile: 954-774-8120, email:, Craig E. Leen, Attorney & Partner, K&L Gates LLP, 1601 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006, Office: 202-778-9232, Fax: 202-778-9100, email:, The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program, 2101 L Street, NW Suite 840, Washington, DC 20037, […]

Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, Worry, and Suicide

During these challenging days, more individuals are feeling daily stress from natural disasters, fires, tornadoes, floods, wars and rumors of wars, protestors, increase in hatred toward Jew people worldwide, and political and economic wickedness in high places. Prophetic leaders say we are living in the Signs of the Times or Last the Days the beginning […]

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