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As a small business owner, you know how difficult it can be to find the right person for the job. With unemployment rates at an all-time low, hiring veterans is a great way to get the help you need while giving back to those who have served our country. The National Association of American Veterans has compiled a list of tips and tricks that will help make this transition easier and more successful.
Why Hire Veterans
Hiring veterans has many benefits – from improved morale, increased productivity, and reduced turnover to unique skills and unwavering dedication. Their ability to work as part of a team and their knack for problem-solving make them particularly suited for any role within your organization. Veterans bring to the workplace an array of advantages that no other candidate can match.
Certain Talents Veterans Have
Veterans offer an abundance of valuable and unique skill sets to any workplace. Not only do they have unparalleled leadership abilities, but also demonstrate discipline, excellent time management expertise, as well as teamwork experience, and a comprehensive understanding of the organization. All these skills are vital to business success, so make sure to capitalize on these attributes whenever possible.
Careers that Veterans Can Do Well
Veterans can bring a wealth of experience and skills to small businesses. Customer service representatives, IT professionals, salespeople, project managers, marketing specialists, and accountants are just some of the positions veterans can excel in if they fit the job. Finding the right match between a veteran and your business is key to success: it allows veterans to fully use their specialized skillset.
How to Make New Veteran Hires Successful
When hiring veterans it is important to create an environment where they feel supported and appreciated. This includes providing training opportunities, offering flexible hours if needed, and recognizing their achievements both publicly and privately. Additionally, having an open dialogue about expectations from the start will help ensure success for everyone involved.
Tax Credits For Employing Veterans
In addition to gaining valuable employees with excellent skill sets by hiring veterans, there are also tax credits available for businesses that do so. These credits vary by state but typically include incentives such as lowered property taxes or reduced insurance premiums that can be used towards hiring new employees or expanding operations within your business. Check with your state government to see what types of credits may be available in your area.
How an LLC Attracts Quality Employees
As an early-stage entrepreneur, registering as an LLC can make your company more appealing to potential new hires. This additional legal protection will give them peace of mind when considering working with a startup. Having this type of coverage in place can provide the assurance necessary for potential employees to join without hesitation.
Getting the Most Out of Your Networking Opportunities
Networking events are a valuable asset for businesses looking to find potential veteran employees. You can make business cards using free online templates, which is an easy way to showcase your company in a unique and attractive way. All you need to do is add your information to some premade templates and customize them with fonts and images. By having business cards ready at hand during the event, they can help create conversations regarding future employment opportunities within the organization.
Hiring veterans comes with many benefits, from improved morale among staff to tax breaks depending on local laws. Veterans bring valuable skills and traits to the workplace, such as leadership abilities and discipline. Entrepreneurs who are looking to hire veterans can also take steps such as registering an LLC and attending networking events or creating custom-made business cards for outreach.
Alyssa Strickland
Millennial-Parents Organization